Aside the life we have and live as human beings, there is another life living in each and every one of us. That life, if built a house for; will continue to live for our representation when we have passed on to the next version of our own lives. Simply put, we; YOU, are built to leave life behind.
This life that I'm talking about and still going to talk about here, in this prose, is our Dreams, Visions, Missions, Ideas and Aspirations. These live in us just as we live in the world. They require growth and progress just like our physical body and life.
It is when these dreams, ideas, visions, missions and aspirations are growing and getting realized that we are said to be succeeding and eventually successful. They are the things that should fashion our lives, determine how we live; what we do as jobs or engagements and finally how we work on daily bases. They should also make us better and useful person(s) in all facets of our lives and we, in turn, make the world better by what we give through them and what we get from, and through them; for ourselves and for other people around or even afar from us.
How-be-it, it is ill to say, but truth that many of us have lost this life while still living, or, are not careful about it even when it should form the basis of existence; hence, the rampant carefree lifestyles in today’s world. Where there is no vision, the people perish.
Daily, life and fate, beyond human powers, presents us with yelling; the extreme expression of happiness or that of sadness. But, as true as the above statement is, and as true; the fact that we have little power over what happens to and around us according to nature, we are yet vested with the complete powers to decide how we react to the effects of whatever circumstances and challenges we survive. Our decisions, then, becomes key executives in determining how quickly and well we recover from any hit of nature and fate. In other words, we only have limited power in deciding what happens to us, in some cases, except with natural courses, but our power is unlimited when deciding our reactions to them and as such; "there is nothing we, as humans, cannot deal with. And being able to deal with everything, essentially, means that: we have the ability to come out successful in everything. Our strengths and greatness lies in dealing with the effects of nature and fate, not in shying away from its reality for we've got the power of reaction against nature and the power of action against the present, near and distant future"
Each of us has these enormous powers and abilities right from birth but the knowledge, understanding and management of it is the problem of many today. All the same, that should in no way be a limitation. Reading good books on such and different topics, listening to and inquiring with good and seasoned human resource persons in the pertinent fields, paying good attentions to one's likes, dislikes, strengths and weaknesses and ultimately trial and error will settle the issue of understanding and managing our powers and abilities profitably well. Setting out, to do, will trigger all the solutions.
Only if we can, ...and yes; we can... conduct, guide and direct these powers and abilities into the right channels. What else, shall we be looking and asking for except the time and how best to enjoy our goods and greatness which will definitely leave good and lasting legacies in our names as we live and leave space for others in a world that is too large but yet lack space.
The capturing'll be done, first, on the inside with the deposited image of God and the getting and/or creating, second, on the outside with the installed aptitude and craftitude of the Maker. We came preinstalled with all the abilities at the original creation and blessing time. We received the first ever blessings from God plus that mandate to go and subdue the earth.
We were actually made by God to further his creations. God never created everything he concieved, that's why He made man in His own image, with unlimited abilities; to bring to life all the things He originally concieved but never materialized, from His installed image and aided by His craftitude deposited in man.
So, what else are you asking for before you'll rise and become great. There is absolutely no excuse for you not to be mentioned among the greats of this generation. Atleast, in your small world.
You are not meant to do the wrong things in order to be recognized. There are too many good and wonderful ideas inside you, new things right inside your mind and heart which you know you can do. For every bad idea that pops up boldly in whatever situation(s) in life, there are numerous good ones that silently echo to your senses, the signals: "I'm here and suitable for this situation; choose me instead". You could always choose from that pool.
What about that idea, that vision, that mission, that inspiration and that aspiration you have which you have or have not started working properly on. Do not look down on it; it's an idea and vision for greatness. As you were born a child and small, so has that idea and vision been born inside you like a child and small, too. Nurture her to grow just as you were nurtured and you grew.
The biggest and most celebrated things; ideas, businesses, places, events, etc. in the world today were first and once born just like that in the heart and mind of the then 'no-bodies' that had the ideas and visions (like you do now) but 'now-great' men and women (which you'll become if you act) because of the executed ideas and visions. Even the creation of man was first birthed in God's mind as an idea and vision when He said; "let's make man in our own image after our own likeness". What more would you want to hear other than the fact that all these great men and women, including the Great and Almighty God Himself, pursued their dreams and visions and made sure that their ideas were executed in any way they could until they've seen the picture in reality which they first painted in their various minds.
Start doing something now toward the actualization of your dreams. The successful execution and bringing to life is the 'house' i talked about in the first paragraph which you'll build for those dreams, visions, mission, ideas and aspirations so that they can live after you.
Just follow that dream and that vision, that idea and that mission and that aspiration of yours to wherever it leads you, with the most discerning meticulousness. Keep the most close and focused eye on it, never let it slip, never forget it and never wave it aside. In it lies your greatness.
Let something good about your life live after you're gone to the great beyond.
Keep real, achieve and be great.
Life is sure better when;
You succeed and live your dream(s), Dream(s) you longed and worked for, And leave it a legacy for posterity,
For them to know that you were once here!
It's sweet,
So sweet,
Endure it,
Enjoy it.
Capture, Get, Create; WHATEVER!!
{This article is an excerpt from an upcoming motivational book written by: Anthony 'Lafty Lad' Obioha. All Rights Reserved}
-Continue to CAPTURE, GET, CREATE; WHATEVER (Part 2).
-Also watchout for my new music; 'One-2-One'.
-Continue to CAPTURE, GET, CREATE; WHATEVER (Part 2).
-Also watchout for my new music; 'One-2-One'.
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