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I'm Lafty Lad - Working to Inspire, Motivate, Entertain and Better Lives via Music, Writing and General Media.

Wednesday, 26 July 2017


Sarmzhy, Samuel Chukwuka, starts his journey to greatness. He enlists his friend, Rolex Quiz, on this first ever recording of his. It's dubbed AMANDA.

Peep Below...

Sarmzhy Is The Future!!!

Wednesday, 5 July 2017


First, I don't have any idea how to write this.
But, i had already started fantasying. According to her own revelation, we were born the same year. And, i have this natural thing for bit older ladies, or, atleast, same aged ones. I'm not always too proud to talk about it, anyway! I'v always believed i'll marry someone 7-10years younger than me. A sharp contradiction between what i feel and what i believe.

Well, while she went on, i found lots of things pleasing and suiting my soul. The honesty, the lovability and freemindedness and the rest. Very important things we could do without. She doesn't want to be pampered more than she's ready to care. From all she said as far, she just wants peace that could be worked out. She was 26 when she said the things; inked. But, 27, she had turned when i heard. I'm even surprised at how i'm writing this because love, loving and romance i don't like to front publicly. Like her, i try to hide how much i care about these things until recently. A new neighbour changed that. Not by talk anyway. She's volumptious and playful. So we talk coded erotic.

I was begining to be happier, she was saying things that fell within my acceptables. No, i don't have set standards as to what THE ONE 'must be' and, or, 'not be' before then, neither do i have now, but, the things i felt as i listened seemed as though certain preistalled boxes were being ticked with the pass mark. Where, though against my peripherial believe, is she from i still pondered. She doesn't seem to care about that, i sensed. Could i marry her? Age mates? How would we age? I also thought. Women age faster. A voice dropped. Could some be different? Is she one of the exceptions? How do i know? But, does it really matter? She had earlier said that, time, according to Africanism, was no longer on her side. At 26? Oh!, September 2016. You let a jewel away from 'munwa'.

So she dropped the 'I Lost A Jewel' precursor. But how could she! It became, as it were, in my mind; a lost fantasy. She could have just let me keep fantasying. Rather, than just cut the thing abruptly. Well, maybe good anyway. Just so i could move on and use my life and time better instead of wasting it. How would i think she could be this way. She had even talked about orgasm. And still talking this way? I'm still wondering o. Well, she looks it in a way shaa. Basically what this life is. The more you look, ... ...! But, is what i'm thinking what she really meant? Jewel!, that? Could she really be an unplucked flower? Really? Or, is she simply talking about the Toyosi and Chima kind of situation? Can i have my Diary, Jennifer. She even tried to settle the scores between Toyo and Chima.

"I believe in abstinence until marriage, a bed kept pure. Thessalonians 4:3, 2 Timothy 2:22, 1 Cor 6:18…. I am not willing to compromise on this, which is why like I said, I hope you are Godly." She said.

Well, i've crossed this line already. My bed's no longer pure. Not because i don't believe in it, but because i couldn't keep it. So i've most likely lost a chance to think wether this jewel is The One or not. I wish you well. Wish you what you want. Dear Jewel!

Sunday, 9 April 2017


This is not your regular 9ja song.
This is d-i-f-f-e-r-e-n-t.

Simply DOWNLOAD and Enjoy!!!

Listen o baby baby ..listen o ...
Listen my lady lady ..let me take ...

Listen to LISTEN and get ready for "Teophy Excel"

Sunday, 28 August 2016


"Antho, i ghala?" Mma'd say, in the supposedly Amaraku tongue, raising her head for a glimpse, most times with a ready-for-transit ball of akpu in her palm. This happens whenever i came back from school, mission, farm or such and such errands she may ask i embark on her behalf during my short stay with her.

"Nna, Luvunus/Sriva, have you eaten? Let me give you more. I'm sure these children didn't give you enough...!" She'd always say to either of her two sons after they must have eaten full and left over close to half of the bowl of meal they'd been served. Their innitial responses usually falls on unwilling ears of Mma, as she'll predictably continue with the defiance of a mother's love. "...Let me give you more meat and fish then...", she'd retort at their expected refusal, clutching the small pot of soup with her left arm and the dispense spoon; already placed under the meat inside the pot, with the other arm. And soon, they'll respectfully and lovingly cease to respond or step away to attend to other issues because she'll keep on with the pressure until the one is out of sight.

But that's just about the way she could show her kids the mother's love at this point.

It was no longer the times of giving them clothes to cover up. Or, Okpa from Orie Amaraku. 'Akara ji akpu' and the likes. It was their turn to do such now, so she offered whatever she had at hand in overdose to show her overwhelming love to her kids which they still were to her.

Aunt Augustina is usually the one that lends her all the time. Or, atleast more of it. Which is never enough, still. Mma would rather forfeit food and have her beloved daughter around and with her, gisting. More like about the same thing over and over again. No matter how long Aunt Augustina stayed before going back to Ezihe or Lagos, Mma sees it as never enough for the most meager details she'd like her to pay credence to. In the end, Aunt Augustina would always have to force her way out before getting an 'ije oma' gesture and prayer from Mma. She still wanted her in her bossom, if possible, as in her infant days. Truely, the children never lacked Mma's love and care. That i can attest to, anyday.

Having witnessed a good deal of Mma's aging life. Shared in her love, widsom, renewed childlikeness and the resultant humour with the rest of the grand children. You know what? Ofcourse, you guesseed right, she never agreed with the young grand children on lots, if not all issues. And rightly so, too!

Otherwise, how do you explain to someone who had lived for seventy to eighty years before you were born that it's no longer cool to go to church on bathroom slippers? That thi's 21st century so she had to pull up on lily heels? Eeh, you want her head over heels or what? Or, still, how do you get her to seat in front of a camera for an interview; like when she was confered with the Ezinne title in the church?

While embarking on such meaned lots of laughter and fun, it, meanwhile, presented us; the grand chiledren and direct children alike, with the opportunity to understand that we've been greatly blessed by the Almighty. For, many only dreamt but never had such moments with their well aged grand parent(s). So, we say a very big Thanks to the Almighty for the lone blessing of having Mma around us for such a long time. Quite long in today's world of sudden deaths. If well checked, Mma could actually be the oldest female at transit moment around the community. If not her exactly, then, certain, she's one of them! Rarity is the word and we bless God!

I'm close to certain, too, that Mma couldn't have asked for more. Came into the world a 100+ years ago, made babies who, right before her eyes, developed into men and women and begat their own children of whom a few's got offsprings aswell, all in Mma's lifetime. Mma must have been thanking God since the day she transitted. It's indeed a fulfilled life.

Mma, listen, we may not have had all we wanted you to enjoy during your lifetime, but i'm sure we gave you all we could afford which was only in reciprocation for you first gave to us.

At this point, we say thank you for coming, for being part of our path into the world. And now that you're very well done with your part of the bergain, we pray God to grant you eternal rest by His side without taking into account all shortcomings that were yours for none will stand if He does.

We also pray Him to grant your own children the grace to see their own grand and great grand children in good health of body, mind and soul. Even so better than yours. And i'm sure we're on the same page on this one. For you wouldn't wish evil on your children. But the best that could be.

We do not bury you at this time, we only commit the dusty container of the real you to the dust while you rest in eternal glory as we've prayed God to grant you and where we hope to be with God and His Angels on our appointed day.

Till then, and for now, we say: MMA.., IJE OMA; TILL WE GET TO 100+ like you!

Thursday, 11 August 2016

One Way Nigeria Can Change

It's funny and sad, but truth also -if you do not know yet- that the Nigerian Electorate since 1999 has never been the decider of who governs. No, i'm not talking about vote casting and counting here, i'm talking about the actual decision on who to cast the vote for before you now talk about it counting and being counted.

Certain people, very few actually, take that decision for the majority of the people and then find a means to reset their subjets minds to agree and endorse at the polls. Every four years.

Don't forget, this short contribution is about "One Way Nigeria Can Change", not about elections. So we're on course. I just have to draw my point from the narration. Now, back to it, with illustration, this time!

In 2011, Nigerians of the all Northern and South Western regions, not mentioning the South South and East for reasons without prize, came out en-mass and voted for certain Goodluck Jonathan (Dr.), to be President of the Federal Republic. It seemed like the ethnic/religious differences in the Country that had unnecessarily bred untold hatred among Nigerians was gradually dieing; seeing majority of the people from all nooks and crannies rejoicing at his victory at the time even when he's from a 'minority' ethnic group, so called. Enough on that for now.

Bit more retro. The same scenario was witnessed when certain Olusegun Obasanjo (Gen.) and Umar Musa Yar'adua (Alh., late) ascended the same seat. People rejoiced and made merry which soon turned opposite, as always, as a result of... whatever! But that's not the topic here. So we move on.

In those elections that produced these people from differet Nigerian ethnicities and religions, many people, majority actually, voted against their ethnic/religious brothers and, or sisters as the case maybe, to make sure these ones ascended the Aso Rock rein. Even though we know it wasn't 'just' and 'only' the votes that worked in all these instances. I believe these past presidents got the higher number of vote in those elections, anyway. But that's still by the way.

Three examples to corroborate my earlier assertions: in 2011, a large number of northern Nigerians voted against Gen. Buhari and Mallam Ribadu, and westerners against Mr. Momodu, to push Dr. Jonathan up to be C-in-C. Back to 2007, the majority of easterners voted against Gen. Odumegwu Ojukwu and Dr. Uzo Kalu, the south southerners, against Prof. Pat Utomi and Evan. Chris Okotie, and the westerners against Lawrence Adedoyin and Olapade Agoro to elevate the late Alh. Musa Yar'Adua to that same position of C-in-C. Same happened back in 2003 in favour of Gen. Olusegun Obasanjo. In that election, Ojukwu, from the east ran; Buhari, from the north ran, as well as many others from different ethnic and religious nationalities.

Now to my main point and crux of this op-ed: "irrespective of the differences between the diverse nationalities that make up the Nigerian umbrella Nation, something was employed by certain people who wanted certain people in the Presidency at these different times, to bring the majority of the Nigerian people across divides together to speak with one voice as to who they wanted to occuppy the highest office in the land".

"Thereto, my assertion and convinction is that whatever means --or, atleast, some of the means-- that was used to bring the majority of the people together to speak with one, and unified voice, in those electoral outings, across the Nation, can be used today, to bring the people together again for a common course that'll precipitate into lasting solutions to the many challenges of the Nigerian State".

That course i may not know. But i know there can be a course capable of the task. And i believe we'll know, when such arrives. Because it'll have certain undeniable characteristics that cannot be mistaken. And that cannot be percieved, in anyway, as divisive and sectional.

It remains to know, and see which Nigerian and Nigerians can stand up; with a Worthy Common Goal, strong enough to unify the people; and make all the sacrifices needed for such to happen in an altruistic manner and change, forever, the course of the Nigerian Nation.

That Nigerian can come from anywhere and any part. Maybe young, or old. Male or female. The truth being that today, Nigeria and Nigerians needs that Nigerian and Nigerians more than ever before. And maybe, more than ever will; for there to be a continued Nigeria.

And if that Nigerian and Nigerians do not arise fast enough, there may not be the Nigeria and Nigerians, in a little distant future, to need their altruistic heroism.

But with what i can 'feel' right now, --not anything that i know to be factual;-- that Nigerian and Nigerians are close to arival.

Let's get ready for them. As they arive with the 'One Way Nigeria Can Change' solution.

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Between Lafty Lad, Wizkid & Mo'Cheddah

Between Lafty Lad, Wizkid & Mo'Cheddah

In 2010, i watched on TVC's Star Profile, how two music stars within my age bracket were shown off on TeeVee.

And i was like, ..damn, these are guys born same period as me who also have one of the many talents i posses. So i began to think in reminiscence.

Now selling 'spare parts' in Ebute-Metta, Lagos, you know na ... as an Ibo Boy wey just join him peoples' trade! I began to thinker the feasibility of a quick switch.

The major reason why i agreed to come to this city in the first place was almost dying down. African China had been the Infleuncer-In-Chief of my trip on that 24th day of April of that year.

They had told me, as to so many village kids too, lots of fantasies about the city. Little did i know that i was going to jump on a bus without dunlop abi na foam, on the seats for the first time. I also ended up in Olaleye. If you know, you know.

The two music stars on the tv were Wizkid and Mo'Cheeda and the one watching the two was Lafty Lad.

These guys, Wizkid and Mo'Cheddah inspired the hell out of me and gave me reasons to be in this hustle and struggle today. Shout out to them! be continued

But, have you heard any of My Songs yet?
Ok, check these out:

E No Easy

Naija Girl

Don't Go, yet!
Download one song!

Read again below

Between Lafty Lad, Wizkid & Mo'Cheddah

In 2010, i watched on TVC's Star Profile, how two music stars within my age bracket were shown off on TeeVee.

And i was like, ..damn, these are guys born same period as me who also have one of the many talents i posses. So i began to think in reminiscence.

Now selling 'spare parts' in Ebute-Metta, Lagos, you know na ... as an Ibo Boy wey just join him peoples' trade! I began to thinker the feasibility of a quick switch.

The major reason why i agreed to come to this city in the first place was almost dying down. African China had been the Infleuncer-In-Chief of my trip on that 24th day of April of that year.

They had told me, as to so many village kids too, lots of fantasies about the city. Little did i know that i was going to jump on a bus without dunlop abi na foam, on the seats for the first time. I also ended up in Olaleye. If you know, you know.

The two music stars on the tv were Wizkid and Mo'Cheeda and the one watching the two was Lafty Lad.

These guys, Wizkid and Mo'Cheddah inspired the hell out of me and gave me reasons to be in this hustle and struggle today. Shout out to them! be continued

But, have you heard any of My Songs yet?
Ok, check these out:

E No Easy

Naija Girl

Don't Go, yet!
Download one song!

Monday, 2 May 2016

The Lad: 2016 vs 2015

Ok. Before these times, i had been sceptical about 'Photo-Shoots' until i got prevailed on by my own pragmatism. Otherwise, i'm not a picture person; but the necessity made me begin to do 'em photos since last year, 2015.

So, here are my latest set of pictures, taken about a month plus now, and part of the first set: taken in 2015.

Hope i exude some SHWAGG?


Did this one above to pass the message of the 'Importance of Reading'. It didn't quite come the way i exactly want it. Will deff retake it for the message. It's cool sha!

vs 2015s (Versace Fest)

Sure, i'm a Versace lover. May not be the
same typa versa them 2chainz and Wizzys
of this world adorn right now.

But, trust me, i'm as confident as the wealthiests in those. They ain't too cheap, though! 'Dough'! Cost some few Ks!

~The Lad~

Thursday, 17 March 2016


Since my existence as a Nigerian and counting especially from 2013 when I started to actively be interested in governance. I have read a lot of opinions, for and against the respective governments since the time by ordinary and highly placed countrymen.

I have also watched government officials, past and present speak in interviews. All writing and speaking about what they think or believe would move the Country forward and efforts they made or, are making toward the same goal respectively, and generally about what would be the lasting solutions to the ever mesmerizing stealing of government resources and corrupt practices that has characterized our government officiation, not to mention the cooperate world. In all of it and beyond the textual and vocal opines, I have witnessed firsthand, what could be the most effective solution in this actions against corrupt practices and theft of government resources in particular.

What, therefore, I'm next to narrate here is what I learnt between the immediate past and present administrations at the center. Which thing shows that we're actually making progress though; in little measures.

During the administration of former President Goodluck Jonathan. He made lots of comments with illustrations that were used by the public for humour and parody insults to his person. One of the things that was prominent in his responses during interviews pertaining his efforts towards the elimination or minimisation of graft in governant offices was: '"the need and efforts towards building strong and independent government institutions that'll deliver good and desired results irrespective of who's in power as against looking up to 'strong men' to deliver results all the times".

At the time, it posited to many as a dogma he was only using as cover-up for his 'perceived weakness and inability' to control and checkmate his subordinates who were on 'stealing spray', as the National leader.

But, conversely, on my own part, I began, instead, to mull over it and to ask myself what 'strong and independent' government institutions could really mean. Like: strong infrastructures or something entirely different. To be honest, I didn't get it at that time until recently, starting with the 2015 general elections and subsequent events as i'll explain later, here in.

One of the many times he said such things was in his interview with EuroNews's Isabelle Kumar, in 2014, were he said, when asked about his efforts towards curbing official corruption and theft, that: "'s not just waiting with a stick for somebody to steal money and then you hit the head, but; our emphasis is to 'strenghten the institutions' so that we'll make sure that you don't even have the opportunity to steal". Another was at one of his Media Charts. On that occasion, when asked by Premium Times's Ibanga Isine to shed some light on his well popular "stealing is different from corruption" remark. He first clarified, by the way, that he merely quoted a former CJN of Nigeria, Mustapha, who, according to him, made the ascertion originally and is now being quoted out of context, before trickling down, with the rest of his response, to the same 'strenghtening of institutions', saying, and I quote, that: "..even if you convict one million people, it does not stop these stealing or corrupt practices. You must make sure that people don't steal; don't put the money where people will steal." He then went on with his equally well known and mostly 'laughed' at 'goat and yam illustration' that: "if you leave a goat and a yam or plantain together, the goat will eat. But if you want to make sure that the goat does not eat the yam; you must seperate both."

So during the general elections of 2015, I, as well as many Nigerians witnessed what an 'independent' government institution could mean in the quest for progress and stability when INEC, devoid of official interference at the center, conducted elections whose results almost completely echoed  the peoples' voices sending the message back to the people that: we actually are the masters who employ and fire. A message that has now boosted the moral of many who hitherto didn't care about governance to begin to participate in the #OfficeOfTheCitizen. At this point I understood why it's important to leave supposed independent government institutions really independent of any official interference in the dispatch of its statutory and legitimate assignments.

Fast forward to the new regime of President Muhammadu Buhari; a direct product of INEC's independency. I began to also understand what it means to have strong institutions especially in todays world of new technologies as the former president illustrated and said was where their emphasis layed. The Treasury Single Account (TSA), the Government Integrated Financial Management Information System (GIFMIS), the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System (IPPIS), the Bank Verification Number (BVN) etc; which has plucked a lot of leckages, saved and brought into the coffers of the federal government lots of funds that was hitherto being stolen through one way or the other by government officials has now taught me what it means to have strong and strenghtened institutions as was said by the former president and I can also now see that their emphasis on strengthening these institutions which caused them to bring in the above technologies was on the right part. And I believe this is the way forward for Nigeria.

As small and unpopular as these technologies may appear, they have brought, are still bringing and would continue to bring huge changes on ground, in favor of successive governments and in extension; the people, when the gains are well managed and directed.

Not negating the legal prosecution of offenders, meanwhile. I believe that these and many others of the like are the small details that if sustained and built upon, across all sectors of our economy and National life in general, consistently over time, would get us to where we wish to be. No magic wand. No rocket science. Just discipline and consistency.

We must keep strenghtening our institutions with the newest technologies until it is no longer possible or almost impossible for people to steal government resources when they are called into offices. Then and only then, 'strong' man or no 'strong' man; government institutions would run, smooth and successfully, without unnecessary set backs and hardships caused by graft.

Our finance minister, Mrs Kemi Adeosun, in corroboration, in her article about the economy on March 9, 2016, titled: "Financial Discipline... Making Every Naira Count", opined, and I quote, that: "while we are regaled with and shocked by details of amounts stolen, diverted or wasted, we must face the cold reality that such acts are facilitated by weaknesses in our systems. Even if we successfully prosecute and jail every looter, ghost worker and other economic saboteur, there is every risk that those caught will only be replaced by persons who are just as bad, or worse - unless we radically strengthen our systems and institutions.

Thursday, 30 July 2015


This article is a sequel to "CAPTURE, GET, CREATE; WHATEVER. (Part 1)"

Say a very big no, yes NO; to that voice, which might as well be yours or any other persons' that tells you that there is no chance of you making it to the top. It's blatantly a lie. You have as much chance as you can think. There's certainly a lot of space up there, to start with, yet, there is particularlly a space or spaces allocated to you, with your name boldly printed on it, up there. 

You weren't a mistake. Your being was well planned by God. He is not also, in anyway, in dearth of resources to not allocate you a befitting portion of His estate. You just need to search for it. Not too far away a search, though. Just inside you. Starting from the 'will'. Which is what you can, and will do and/or give to earn the space. Yes, its not given gratis. Though, it's yours. You must earn it. Earn it by doing something. Something that's totally your onus to figure out. Clue: "something you like to do, something needful to the people around you that you can provide, or, a problem you can help solve in any way". You give such things as a service to the world or your small world and earn your space therewith.

A sudden flight will not get you there. A well planned, gradual and intermitted trips and voyages, involving wheelbarrows and bycicles, tricycles and vehicles, canoes and boats, cruise ships and war ships, small choppers and big helicopters, regular air planes and war planes, horses and donkeys, other land, sea and air vehicles, human beings and ultimately God himself and some new transportabilities you may need to invent to weave through new obstacles will certainly make a more certain end at your allocated space up there. 

These voyages, mostly, had been preplanned and arranged by divinity. But, may never be presented to you in the form of a complete roadmap, rather, t'll be, as is usual with God, communicated to you bit by bit. Hence, all you need is to follow through, willingly, as the divine 'scripts and handouts' arive your mind's ports via the ether or any other medium through which your mind can be communicated to; like meditation, thought impulse, physical reading or listening, keeping your eyes and mind steadfastly on the pictured dream so as to not weaver. Meticulously following the dream(s) to wherever it leads, discerning and avoiding evil, still, because God will never lead you to do evil.

It's just about you desiring, wanting, deciding and determining to take and utilize the chance now that you can. Your age does not matter. The younger the smarter and maybe; physically stronger but then, the older the more experienced and mostly; mentally stronger. In essense, there is so much chance available for both the old and young.

***After all, an 80yrs old man, Pa Alimi Olarenwaju Amodu, graduated with a Second Class Honors in Sociology, from Lagos State University, LASU, in 2012***.

Number of years doesn't matter. The age that matters is that of your mind and heart.

Meanwhile, do not go to squeeze yourself were there is no space for you because you find it 'already made' and easy, whereas; there is a space already created for you and all you need is to find and erect whatever structure you want on it for you can raise any desired edifice. Note: the quality of your structure determines the quality of attention, respect and adulation you get. 

Do not neglect your unbuilt space; you are the architect. Take up your tools and start work on it, Now! Start with the most feasible. Raise your DREAMs. Give life to those IDEAs. Ascend to those VISIONs. Complete those MISSIONs. Fulfill those ASPIRATIONs. Satisfy YOU.

The great and unique structure or structures you need to erect has already been engraved in your psyche. Its those dreams, visions, missions, ideas and aspirations that run through your mind now and again. Those good things that you wish you are doing but are not. Those things that soon starts giving you sleepless nights; pushing, pressing and pressuring you very hard, on their own, to give them expressions in reality. They are the things that'll transport you to your divine estate. Just look and listen very closely and attentively in quietude to them, within your inner being; the image of God in you, to relate better with them, and to discover them, if you haven't. They are the essense and basis of living and deserve all your time and attention. You must be remembered with them. They live after you.

You may be already great in your field, but, it's still no good reason to sit down inert, just cherishing your 'something great'. Are there no other things to make great or greater? Rise, still, and do something newer and greater in the same field, or after it, and see the next level of greatness, but never to stop there. Rise, move, act and take your place among the greatests. It's never too late so long as you still want it and know what to do. If you don't know what to do, no problem, just ask the one who knows you very well more than any one else; the one you are talking to now, YOU. He has the aptitude to lead you to where you can figure what to do.

And now, my dear reader; my friend! Let your name be mentioned in posterity among those who did great works, bettered lives and the course of living in this generation that you are. Let the future know that you lived here. Do not be the almost unnoticed passer-by who came, stayed, left nothing and went with nothing. You are not meant to be such and you know it. No one is actually meant to be. Sure is that we are going with nothing, but we'll give account of what we left behind, because we came with a lot, hence, we ought to leave something.

You have all it takes to leave a very good mark and legacy. How small is not the issue, how good is. The worst is that you did and left nothing, good is that you did something, better when you do much good, and best when you do so much more good and in all; leave them legacies in bequest for tommorow.

Would you not like to be a source of inspiration and motivation to the future generations starting from, but not limited to your immediate family and environs? Names like Nelson Mandela (Human rights activist), Martin Lurther King Jr(Human rights activist), Thomas Edison (Light bulb inventor), Isaac Newton (Physicist), Obafemi Awolowo, Nnamdi Azikiwe and Tafawa Balewa (Nigeria nationalists), Dim Odumegwu Ojukwu (Biafra frontier), William Shakespear(Classic Writer), Michael Jackson (Musician), Fela Kuti (Musician/Activist), Mother Teresa of Calcutta (Missionary), Bill Gate (Businessman), Diego Maradona, Jay Jay Okocha(Footballers) and many more will continue to inspire and motivate lives in different spheres because of the good, great, brave and magical things they did many years before.

Will these people be the only ones that'll be talked about for good in the future even after you have lived in this same world where they achieved their greatness? I say no. My name must be there. What do you say? Your own name should be there, too. Right? ...... Note: If i didn't mention anybody from your field or discipline in the name-list above, it doesn't mean that there are no great and successful geniuses there or that you cannot become great in the particular field. It simply means that we cannot exaust the list of the successful great men and women of all time and all discipline in this single prose. No. We are too many. And we don't have all the time too. So, let it not border you because you can certainly be very great and successful in whatever field you choose and that suits you most, so long as you're 'happy' being in it. And, note the keyword; 'HAPPY', with whatever you do. It shouldn't be otherwise or else, it would be couterproductive.

What are you doing now? Is it what you should be doing? If yes, thumbs up, do it exceptionally well to the best of your craftitude and become great in it. If no, worry less, just take a journey into your inner being today and discover your real self. Work with whatever you discover to be your real self and make out the greatness in you.

Again, it’s never too late in life.
There is time until death. It might be uneasy. Just normal! Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown! Or, don't you want the Crown any more? I guess you still do. So, let your small world and future know that you lived.

You can achieve greatness in whatever you are doing and called to do. You are the 'Only One' who can stop you. No demon or human can. That's the truth.

Do you want it? Follow it, get it or create it.

Let something good about your life live after you're gone to the great beyond.

Keep real, achieve and be great.

Life is sure better when;
You succeed and live your dream(s), Dream(s) you longed and worked for, And leave it a legacy for posterity,
For them to know that you were once here!

It's sweet,
So sweet,
Endure it,
Enjoy it.

Capture, Get, Create; WHATEVER!!

{This article is an excerpt from an upcoming motivational book written by: Anthony 'Lafty Lad' Obioha. All Rights Reserved}

Wednesday, 22 July 2015


This short note just landed in my mind while thinking about what we all refer to, as economic problems and, or stagnation.
The problems of todays economy is not really 'bad economy' but the constantly increasing 'wants' of the people due to steady inflows of new contraptions and the peer pressure on the people to measure up to date. 
It's worst in developing worlds because most of these contraptions we are needing are being imported from the more developed economies. In essence, the pressure rests heavily on our respective currencies. Not having much to export to them in exchange for these wants and needs, we rely almost sorely on our raw currencies for the exchanges.
Otherwise, the economies had always developed. Althesame, not at the same pace with the peoples' increasing 'seeming needs'. And non will ever measure up to the speed of the people until all of its people begin to see themselves as the 'shapers of the economy' and not just as solely the respective governments' onuses.
There is nothing as 'The Economy'. Nothing real. It's no entity. Just a term representing a people running their daily lives. 'The People' are 'The Economy'. Once our needs keeps rising, without equivalent purchasing power at a go, the economy; WE, will keep being troubled.
In essence, the economy will keep being troubled all over the world. No matter the level of developements. Our wants, still remaining insatiable, grows with the newest developements.
The Only Solution must be to see and deal with yourself, with myself; with ourselves as 'the economy'. Whatever you'd want from 'a good economy'; do it to and for yourself. You Are Your Economy!
{ Written by: Anthony 'Lafty Lad' Obioha. All Rights Reserved}
-Whatout for my new song: "One-2-One" Droping this week-