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I'm Lafty Lad - Working to Inspire, Motivate, Entertain and Better Lives via Music, Writing and General Media.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

My Likes And Dislikes

Hi, good day and welcome to my world.
Let me start this post by saying this, "i'm not currently a celebrity outside but i'm one inside and i know that i'll soon become one big one outside". The essence of saying that is that i want you to read, relate and react to this brief prose like you would do if it were to be written by your most loved serious celeb right now. That is if you're the celeb freak type but if not; do to this article like you would do to a normal and simple conversation with a random street guy that i am. Laughs! But seriously ehh ... you know ... me are just like that #Madness!

Not every random street guy will have the courage to pick up his pen or phone (not tablet o) and start writing this type of thing that i'm about to reveal here as "his likes and dislikes" with the sole purpose of making it a blog post for people to read. Well, no surprises; i'm Lafty Lad.

1) I like MySelf:
I look at myself and the only thing i see is beauty, inside out. Don't tell me handsome. Forget it. Forget handsome. I'm beautiful. Can you see it already or you want to doubt me? Well, if you don't know; God is not ugly. You now know what i mean, abi? I'm of His image. You do the maths. But if for any reason i am judged ugly, then, you are ugly too because we are made of the same image.

2) I have no cause to hate You.
Since we are made of the same image and likeness and i like my own image and likeness, what cause have i then to hate you and your likeness. No cause. So, i love you my reader! Infact, i cherish you. No homo for the guys but for the girls; mmh .. whole heartedly.

3) I hate the fact that people hate People. Yes, i hate that. Just that one thing.
See, if you finished reading this, then, you enjoyed it.
Thanks .... bye!

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